Tinto Kollamparambil CST

Tinto Kollamparambil CST is a member of Little Flower Congregation (CST Fathers). He has a bachelors in Philosophy from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala to his credit. He secured also a diploma in Mass media from NISCORT Media College, Delhi. He is currently pursuing his Bachelors in Theology from Vidya Jyoti College, Delhi.

Christmas is a vocation to be with the God of creation

History is a great tool to understand the mindset of various generations. It leads a person to pick up the various creative movements that helped humanity move forward. Bible is also a great heritage that opens the cultural-social-philosophical context of the time. After the great fall (first sin), human beings found it challenging to walk along with God even though God was with them. Therefore, God enters into a covenantal relationship with Israel to strengthen their lives and save them from losing. But so-called Israelers were after wealth and pleasures, which totally broke the covenantal trust mutually agreed. So God gradually turns his glory to a person rather than a place to save humanity.

Earthly demand is sanctioned

In the old testament, we see that people longed for a good king who could rule and save the people of God. But the appointed kings were failed in one or another way. They did not grow according to the expectation of God. Here comes a necessity of a Messiah who can rule as well as save humanity. It was the demand of whole creation. Fulton J Sheen says that he is the only person ever pre-announced by many prophets.[1] God could have saved humanity without incarnation, but he did not. He was confined to human form, obeyed human parents, suffered human temptation etc. Gospels observes human feelings of Jesus like – He became tired like we do (John 4:6), He knew physical hunger (Matthew 4:2), He got thirsty (John 19:28), etc. Thus, the Gospels point out to a complete human person who can live a life according to goodness. Jesus came and introduced the lost kingdom of God. He was the first member in that kingdom who lived like those first parents before the fall. The great desire of God the Father came to be at its fruition when he died on the cross for the other.

A New Tree of Life

Jesus is the justice before the Lord of Heaven.[2] God forgets humanity’s sin by looking at the suffering born by His Son. Jesus is the focal point where God and humanity reaches. He is the horizon between heaven and earth. Above all, He is the blessing for humanity and creation in a broad perspective.

The tree of Life is first mentioned in Genesis 2:9, where we are told that God planted the garden and placed the Tree of Life in its midst. The account paints a picture of a beautiful garden with the tree of Life in its centre and the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” nearby. First parents already tasted the tree of good and evil, but they could not get the tree of Life. In the New Testament context, the tree of Life is Jesus. He compares himself with vines. The long-awaited dream for consuming the tree of Life is fulfilled when he is born. Jesus was talking about consuming his body and blood because he is the door to heaven and bliss. Therefore we need to find out this tree of Life to be in eternal Life.

Joy of creation

We saw the failed kings, which opened the way for sprouting the new tree of Life amidst us. This is happed with the ‘Yes’ of a poor woman and man. They realized the extreme love of God flowing from heaven through the womb of Mary. That is gospel presents the birth of Jesus in the midst joyful atmosphere. Representing the whole creation, many came to the birthplace of Jesus. Shepherds and kings represented both rich and poor in the society; they venerated the child Jesus as their kings and hope. Sky and stars praised this great event with leading kings to Jesus. Animals, too, bowed down before the Lord of creation.

So each one who saw Jesus expressed their happiness in one or another way. A typical example would be the leaping of John the Baptist when Mary visited Elizebeth. Therefore Joy is the fruit of the presence of Jesus. Pope Francis often says about Joy – A Christian is one who is invited… to join in the feast, to the joy of being saved, to the joy of being redeemed, to the joy of sharing Life with Christ. Therefore, those who are with Jesus should have a smiling face even in torture and persecution

The new sanctuary is freely offered

As we saw, Jesus is the connecting network to heaven with our Life. If we miss this connection, we will lose our relationship with the Lord. Our hearts as the seat of Jesus from which he leads us into the path of goodness. He is a priceless sanctuary given by God, the father to humanity. He comes to the Life of each Christian through the form of eucharist. Herbert Lockyer says, “How good of God it is to promise Himself as a SANCTUARY! In the Old Testament, He provided a temple for His people; in the New Testament, He has a redeemed people as His Temple (1Cor 3:16, Eph 2:20-22-note)! But wonders wonder that He also is our Temple. How consoling it is to know that amid all the turmoil of the street, busy cares of the home, hurry and confusion of our modern life, we have a “little sanctuary”.”[3] We need to look into this sanctuary in our day-to-day life. Saints could imagine Jesus who is joyfully residing in their hearts. Our life also should turn into a life with Jesus offering goodness every day.

Born day of Jesus for You and Me

Christmas is not merely a yearly birthday celebration. It is a day to realize the presence of Jesus within us. It is not a day to enjoy food and vine but a day to offer our gifts to Jesus in our hearts. For many, Christmas is a time to enjoy with friends and colleagues, but they forget to enjoy with Jesus. Christmas should occur in our hearts; if not, the meaning of Christmas is lost in material celebrations. Christmas is the time to identify the real tree of Life gifted by God the father to our Life. It is also a time to look into our heat-sanctuary where Jesus wishes to come. St. Therese says,  “Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you alone? He burns with the desire to come into your heart. Don’t listen to the demon, laugh at him, and go without fear to receive the Jesus of peace and love.”[4] Dear friends, let us make this Christmas an unforgettable time celebrating with christ in joy and happiness. Let this magazine be an inspiration for you to welcome Jesus into our midst.


[1] Fulton J. Sheen, Life of Christ (Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation, 1995), 2.

[2] NIV, https://www.thenivbible.com/blog/god-of-justice-verses-found-in-the-bible/.html, (accessed on 21.12.2021).

[3] All The Promises Of The Bible [d47ew5yj5dn2]. https://idoc.pub/documents/all-the-promises-of-the-bible-d47ew5yj5dn2.html, (accessed on 21.12.2021).

[4] Quote by St. Therese of Lisieux: “Do you realize that …. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/400384-do-you-realize-that-jesus-is-there-in-the-tabernacle.html, (accessed on 21.12.2021).