Shalini Mulackal PBVM

Shalini Mulackal is a member of the Presentation Sisters. Having completed her Masters in Theology, she undertook Doctoral studies in the University of Madras and completed research on Religio-cultural practices of Catholic women of Dalit origins in Tiruvallur Dist., Tamil Nadu. At present she is a Professor of Systematic Theology at Vidyajyoti College of Theology, Delhi. She is also a visiting professor to a number of other Theological Institutes in India. Currently she is a member of the Indian Theological Association (ITA) and has served the Association as Vice-President and also as its first woman President. She is also a member of the Indian Women Theologians Forum (IWTF), Ecclesia of Women of Asia (EWA) and served as coordinator of both. She is the chairperson of the Centre for Dalit Studies (CDS) Delhi. She has published a number of articles with special emphasis on women empowerment in Church and Society. Her publication includes contribution to the Dalit Bible commentary series and another commentary on Minor Prophets in the same series by the CDS. She has also edited three books of the Indian Theological Association. Besides, she regularly presents papers at national and international seminars mostly from a feminist perspective. She takes keen interest in many social issues affecting the poor in general and women in particular.

The Church teaches that each baptized Christian participates in the mission of the Church. Further, each one shares in the priestly, kingly and prophetic function of Jesus. However this reality is not visible or rather it is eclipsed in the Church. Since women are not admitted to ordained ministries of the Church, the present structures do not allow the participation of all the members especially in the decision making processes in the church. As a result, the Christian faithful on the whole and women in particular feels excluded from the life and mission of the Church.

It is in this context that the present study is undertaken. The five students took up different aspect of the topic and have come up with their understanding on the topic, The role of women in the life and mission of the Church. The first chapter deals with the present context of women in society as well as in the Church. The author has interviewed a number of women both lay and religious and brings to the fore what women are experiencing in the church. Tinto CST has taken trouble to get first hand information from many women. In the second chapter Jibin CST analyses why women are given a second class status in the church. He begins his argument with the biblical affirmation of equality and gives the reasons why women feel excluded in the Church. Patriarchy seems to be one of the main reasons, says Jibin.

As part of the faith reflection, Jayanti SJ looks at the Gospels to see how Jesus related with women or what role women play in the life and mission of Jesus beginning with his own mother Mary. From his study it is very clear that Jesus never excluded women and they actively participated in his public ministry. Robin IMS looks at women in the early Church by taking the readers through the Acts of the Apostles, Letters of Paul and also other early sources which give us a glimpse about women and how they participated in the life of the church as equal disciples.

In the light of the Biblical reflection  Basant Ekka SJ looks in detail what is the meaning of mission, mission of the church and how women are already participating in the mission of the church both as lay women and religious women. He further comes out with some action plans so that women’s participation in the life and mission of the church can be further enhanced. I take this opportunity to thank each of my students for working hard and making their contribution to this study project.